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Supporting Elevate Quantum
October 23, 2023
Colorado’s Most Competitive Tech Hubs Identified
TechHubNow! and OEDIT selected Quantum Information Technology and CleanTech as the top hubs from 400 nationwide applications aligned with CHIPS and Science Bill technologies. Elevate Quantum in Colorado is one of the 31 designated national Tech Hubs.
February 29, 2024
Phase 1: Designations Made by EDA, including Elevate Quantum in CO
Elevate Quantum received the EDA designation, giving EQ the opportunity to pursue an implementation grant. The deadline to apply for NOFO 2 is February 29, 2024.
Benefits include: recognition, follow on funding, FDI, IP, and Export support, and branding and tech assistance.
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Phase 2: Final RIH Selection - Implementation Grant
The EDA will select 5-10 Tech Hubs from those who advanced from NOFO 1. The program has a $10 billion congressional authorization that will be distributed across the selected hubs. $500 million was appropriated for 2024, with each hub receiving between $40-70 million.
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One to two advanced technologies (KTFA) serve as the clear focal point
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Based in a defined place (MSA), but with clear benefit to surrounding rural communities
Attract and grow diverse talent via inclusive ladders of opportunity
Grow a collaborative ecosystem of established companies & startups
Connect and accelerate industry applied R&D with academia
Appeal to investment from private & public sector funding
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Read this article from The Colorado Sun.